If you haven’t already picked up or been handed one of our flyers, with handy tips printed on the reverse – here are our top 5 tips to learning success:

  1. Find the right environment for you. For some, this can be a busy place, others may prefer a quieter location.
  2. Have the right tools such as a pen, paper, highlighters, sticky notes, maybe headphones and good internet connection.
  3. Make sure you’re comfortable at a desk or sofa, wherever works for you.
  4. Keey hydrating and fuelled. Make sure you have a drink with you and some snacks – to keep you fuelled!
  5. It is helpful to make your own study notes, mind mapping or create your own flashcards.

Once you’ve taken the plunge into learning, you can sit back and enjoy the SkillsHub:MK experience!

Book onto one of our free training workshops today!